When I came on the faculty, then I was a colleague and not a student. I remember he had been to India by then and my first job out of graduate school I spent two years in Karachi. And the first time that my former wife and I had Bob over for dinner, the first […]

The facts of work in India are ambiguity, reversals of meaning, cultural obstacles, value confusions, subtle resentments on both sides….The question, “What am I to do here?” transfers itself into “What can I do?” and finally takes on the most unsettling form of “Who am I?”

He had not published and I think he definitely felt the need to go off and do something stimulating, something that he could write about. For some reason he got fascinated with Eastern cultures. His Fulbright dealt with the Indian University, and he wanted to compare the university system in India with the university systems […]

He got involved with the Peace Corps, which was organized after the Kennedy period. Do you remember [President] Kennedy’s brother-in-law? Sergeant Shriver became the head of that and then [Harris] Wolford took over, and he was a classmate of Bob Gaudino’s and Bob Gaudino got himself involved in the Peace Corps, and in the course […]

We were in class one day and we were looking about a book that was about the Southeast Bronx, called “The Block.” And a couple of my more affluent classmates were looking at the pictures and saying, ‘This can’t possibly exist. I’ve never seen anything like this. There’s garbage all over the roofs.” Professor Gaudino […]

It was extremely interesting watching him deal with the Indians from Andhra Pradesh. [He was training] Peace Corps volunteers going to Andhra Pradesh, and of course by that time Bob had been to India. When I was dealing with them it was clearly an American talking to people from Andhra Pradesh, without any doubt. But […]

We went south on spring vacation, during the two-week time. We also went down on several other occasions and we were involved in basically building. I remember Bob and I working on putting a foundation on a church that was being built. I had never done that before in my life and we were taking […]

I see oversees experience in the Peace Corps as an opportunity for education…That education begins in an open conversation with strangers. Probably the hardest and most difficult response for human beings anywhere is to listen to and hear that which is different. Yet that is where we must all start.

Every day I think about something I never thought about before. I figure that if you feel noting you are nothing. I’ve rather come to the conclusion (it’s dangerous to come to conclusions however) that it is vastly better for a person to feel pain. Only pain seems to be real. Happiness is a delusion […]

The country that — I heard him say often — the country that has the most beggars in the world.


Final Note