Towards the end of my freshman year I remember going to the information session about Williams-at-Home. It was held in Griffin Hall. There was something a little bit unusual about the way he held himself physically that struck me as a little strange. He didn’t move very much as he spoke. And when he turned, […]

I remember meeting some of the students who went on the Williams-in-India and was fascinated by it. I might have done that although in retrospect it might have been too frightening. And he was asking me specifically, “Why did you decide to go?” I was not comfortable with the sort of intellectualism or the sort […]

The first time I met him was in his office when he was interviewing me before he decided whether and who he was accepting. I jokingly mentioned that my grandmother had doubts about my missing a semester of school. He immediately pounced on my remark, and peppered me with numerous questions – who was my […]

In my freshman year, it was the fall of 1969. I remember the freshman entryway there was a poster for SDS [Students for a Democratic Society] saying come join us in Chicago for Days of Rage. People went into Chicago and started beating up policemen and the policemen beat up the protesters. Those things were […]

I grew up in a small town outside New Haven. My dad was a claims adjustor for the railroad. When I was a freshman, as it came toward Winter Study, my JAs said, “Oh, you’ve got to take this thing with Gaudino.” I was just the one month deal talking about experience in education and […]

Ah, he was often upset with me or frustrated with me because he didn’t think I was serious enough. I was pretty open with him about the fact I used to smoke a lot of pot back then and thought that Williams was pretty irrelevant to my life and, “Why was I here and what […]

When the whole Cambodia thing happened, the shutting down of the school in 1970, for about 10 days I was with the [student strike.] Then I said, “Nope.” This is not what we should be doing, it’s not what Williams should be doing and the people doing it are acting out of some other motive […]

I grew up in Northern New Jersey. I did not feel like I fit in the Williams culture because neither of my parents completed college. My dad cleaned furnaces so I could go to Williams. A friend of mine one day comes over to my dorm room and says, “Hey, you’ve got to go to […]