“He would just come out [to California] for a couple of weeks visit and then it would be three or four years before he came back. He would call up and say “I’m going to be in town, I’ll come visit.” And when he was in town he stayed with my folks. So Bob, he really wasn’t what you’d call, in my estimation, a member of the family. He was doing his own thing. He wasn’t interested in what I was doing and I didn’t have that much interest in what he was doing except that I was glad that every time he mentioned that he had done something, that he was credited with — books, when he wrote the book “The Indian University” he sent us a copy of the book. We didn’t know any of his friends that could tell us he was doing a great job. And he wouldn’t say it himself.
Bob and I, we loved each other. We were brothers. We didn’t criticize what the other one did. As far as I can see we both, over a period of time, made the same successful decisions, not 100% but basically mostly, each in our own way. He was happy with what he was doing at Williams. We knew that. He said many times, “I’ll never leave Williams.” So when a person is renowned and well versed as he is to say something like that, you believe it, unless something diabolical happens that made him make up his mind another way. He was back there for good.
Robert Gaudino's brother