I remember a parallel beginning too. The flight we took was into Bombay. The train we took to Delhi to rendezvous with you guys. We checked into the YMCA and went to dinner, eight of us, Chinese restaurant. The food was taking a while. And I think it was Brad Babson in front of us, they used to have in India Chinese restaurants that had a silver chalice, this sort of vinegar water. Floating in there are green chilies, sliced green chilies. And I think it was Brad, he was so hungry and he didn’t know what the hell they were and grabbed a bunch of them on his spoon and put them in this mouth. And to me, I just remember, that was the beginning of misunderstandings of the country. And he drank all the water, drank, literally all the water. And of course that’s another mistake. You don’t want to drink the water before first finding out if it’s been boiled.

Dale Riehl '72