“Rusty Day mentioned at some point that probably the intensity of the program was such that probably not a month would go by in our lives from then forward that we wouldn’t at some point think about and talk about the experience to somebody. I don’t know whether that’s true of everyone, but certainly it has been for me. My very first conversation with my wife was about Williams-at-Home. We met after she graduated in Cambridge one night and had a great conversation. It was all about Williams-at-Home. And my office at work is still full of photographs of Iowa, of combines, of cornfields and whatnot. Everybody that works with me knows that this is an important aspect of my existence. And we have remained very close, very close friends of the Lagordes, who are people that I met and lived with. My children know them as Grandpa Darrel and Grandma Joanne. We’ve been there countless times over the years, to anniversaries, graduations, weddings, birthdays, or just for no reason at all. As a ten-year-old my son rode on a combine with Grandpa Darrell while he harvested corn and soy beans during the fall. They and the Lagorde grandchildren would play in the big farm wagon, climbing the ladders and swinging on the chains across the tops.