“Les [Thurow] thought he wanted to be a doctor and Les took an economics course, I guess his sophomore year, and it was like putting a duck into water. It was as if he already knew it. He became dean of the Sloan School of Business at MIT and wrote a series of books, “The Zero-Sum Society” and so on. Ara is really the only one who went back to his hometown, Plattsburgh, N.Y. He went to NYU law school and went back and became the district attorney for a very large county, Clinton County, but he has lead a very holistic life. He founded a symphony orchestra. He meets in the same coffee shop every morning with cronies to gossip about sports and politics. And you know the classical text began with immediate things, right? Socrates would go to the marketplace and it wasn’t abstract, it was concrete.
Chapter 8: LEGACY
- 16. The Thanksgiving Day Crew of 1974
- 1. The Political Scientist, the Business Prof and the Leadership Expert
- 2. Two Lawyers
- 3. The Organizer
- 4. The Murder Case
- 5. A Conversation Among the India Crowd
- 6. And On the Other Coast . . . Williams-In-India’s Wall Street Refuge and Listener on the Bench
- 7. The Nocturnal Council
- 8. And Their Classmate, the Diplomat-Businessman Still Dealing with Aristotle
- 9. Williams-At-Home’s Troublemaker, Anarchist, and Christian Duo
- 10. Williams-At-Home’s Novice Photographer
- 11. A School in China
- 12. The Writer
- 13. Why Aren’t There Foundations For . . .?
- 14. The Preacher
- 15. Delayed Tears